Indoor Cat Care

Does tin foil stop cats jumping on the kitchen counter?

Does Tin Foil Stop Cats Jumping on the Countertops?

Do you ever find yourself constantly shooing your furry feline friend off the kitchen counter? It’s as if they have a hidden agenda to conquer every elevated surface in your home. Over the years, we’ve heard various claims about household hacks to keep cats off elevated surfaces. The myth that using aluminum or tin foil

Does Tin Foil Stop Cats Jumping on the Countertops? Read More »


Weenect GPS Cat Tracker Review – Most Accurate Cat Tracker Ever?

If you’re concerned about your cat getting lost or going missing, the Weenect GPS Cat Tracker is one of many cat tracking devices available that can help track your cat. This is a full and detailed review of Weenect, to help you decide whether it’s right for you. If you’re considering buying a cat tracker, Weenect is

Weenect GPS Cat Tracker Review – Most Accurate Cat Tracker Ever? Read More »